Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Post- Some background

There are a lot of blogs out there. There are a lot of blogs about video games, a lot about the Starcraft series, and a lot about Starcraft II. This is a blog for class: Art 250-Video Games In Culture of Hartwick College. Its purpose is to act as a research dissemination platform for information collected about this game. Most information collected for this blog will be redundant.

So here we go! I'll get to a basic game overview later.

Today's blog is about replays, one of the most important elements to improving as a player. Replays can be downloaded from forums all over the internet and seen in the privacy of your own machine. I prefer to watch them online narrated by professional "shoutcasters," gamers who take you through the strategies you're seeing on screen and highlight mistakes and pivotal moments/mistakes.

There are three shoutcasters I like to watch for their personalities, impressive voices, and most importantly, talents. They are HuskyStarcraft, HD Starcraft, and day[9]. I know them only by their tags, though their resumes are each very impressive. Over the course of this blog I will post videos I have watched that are impressive for one reason or another and accessible to players just getting into the game.

Replays are critical-- CRITICAL -- to improving yourself as a player. They provide the newest models of attacks, build orders and other basic suggestions to play. They provide you with what to prepare against as well as new ideas for your builds.

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